
1-50 of 123 titles for: label: VCI remove label

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
** 36 Hours 1953 36 Hours (1953) on IMDb
*** The Aftermath 1982 The Aftermath (1982) on IMDb
*** Alien Outlaw 1985 Alien Outlaw (1985) on IMDb
*** The Amazing Mr. X 1948 The Amazing Mr. X (1948) on IMDb
*** And Then There Were None 1945 And Then There Were None (1945) on IMDb
*** Assault 1971 Assault (1971) on IMDb
** Attack of the Mayan Mummy 1964 Attack of the Mayan Mummy (1964) on IMDb
*** The Bat Whispers 1930 The Bat Whispers (1930) on IMDb
*** The Batwoman 1968 The Batwoman (1968) on IMDb
*** The Beast of the Yellow Night 1971 The Beast of the Yellow Night (1971) on IMDb
** The Big Chase 1954 The Big Chase (1954) on IMDb
**** The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) on IMDb
*** Black Shampoo 1976 Black Shampoo (1976) on IMDb
** Blonde Ice 1948 Blonde Ice (1948) on IMDb
**** Blood and Black Lace 1964 Blood and Black Lace (1964) on IMDb
** The Bride and the Beast 1958 The Bride and the Beast (1958) on IMDb
*** The City of the Dead 1960 The City of the Dead (1960) on IMDb
** The Crawling Hand 1963 The Crawling Hand (1963) on IMDb
** Creature of the Walking Dead 1965 Creature of the Walking Dead (1965) on IMDb
** Crimes at the Dark House 1940 Crimes at the Dark House (1940) on IMDb
** Curse of the Stone Hand 1965 Curse of the Stone Hand (1965) on IMDb
*** The Dark Power 1985 The Dark Power (1985) on IMDb
** Death on the Fourposter 1964 Death on the Fourposter (1964) on IMDb
** Delinquent School Girls 1975 Delinquent School Girls (1975) on IMDb
*** The Devil’s Rain 1975 The Devil’s Rain (1975) on IMDb
*** Doctor of Doom 1963 Doctor of Doom (1963) on IMDb
*** Don’t Hang Up 1974 Don’t Hang Up (1974) on IMDb
*** Don’t Look in the Basement 1973 Don’t Look in the Basement (1973) on IMDb
*** Doomed to Die 1940 Doomed to Die (1940) on IMDb
** Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde 1976 Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde (1976) on IMDb
*** Dream No Evil 1970 Dream No Evil (1970) on IMDb
** The Education of Sonny Carson 1974 The Education of Sonny Carson (1974) on IMDb
** Face the Music 1954 Face the Music (1954) on IMDb
*** The Fatal Hour 1940 The Fatal Hour (1940) on IMDb
** Five Days 1954 Five Days (1954) on IMDb
** The Flanagan Boy 1953 The Flanagan Boy (1953) on IMDb
** The Gambler and the Lady 1952 The Gambler and the Lady (1952) on IMDb
** Ghosts on the Loose 1943 Ghosts on the Loose (1943) on IMDb
**** The Giant Spider Invasion 1975 The Giant Spider Invasion (1975) on IMDb
** The Glass Cage 1955 The Glass Cage (1955) on IMDb
**** Gorgo 1961 Gorgo (1961) on IMDb
*** Guyana: Crime of the Century 1979 Guyana: Crime of the Century (1979) on IMDb
** The Headless Ghost 1959 The Headless Ghost (1959) on IMDb
** Hillbillys in a Haunted House 1967 Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967) on IMDb
*** Horrors of the Black Museum 1959 Horrors of the Black Museum (1959) on IMDb
*** Hot Enough for June 1964 Hot Enough for June (1964) on IMDb
*** The House Across the Lake 1954 The House Across the Lake (1954) on IMDb
** House of the Black Death 1965 House of the Black Death (1965) on IMDb
*** The Human Monster 1939 The Human Monster (1939) on IMDb
*** I Eat Your Skin 1971 I Eat Your Skin (1971) on IMDb