Horror, 1932, USA


18 titles for: genre: Horror remove genre film year: 1932 remove film year country: USA remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
*** Behind the Mask 1932 Behind the Mask (1932) on IMDb
*** Chandu the Magician 1932 Chandu the Magician (1932) on IMDb
*** Doctor X 1932 Doctor X (1932) on IMDb
*** Freaks 1932 Freaks (1932) on IMDb
* Get That Girl 1932 Get That Girl (1932) on IMDb
** Haunted Gold 1932 Haunted Gold (1932) on IMDb
* The Horror 1932 The Horror (1932) on IMDb
*** Island of Lost Souls 1932 Island of Lost Souls (1932) on IMDb
** Kongo 1932 Kongo (1932) on IMDb
*** The Mask of Fu Manchu 1932 The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932) on IMDb
** The Monster Walks 1932 The Monster Walks (1932) on IMDb
*** The Most Dangerous Game 1932 The Most Dangerous Game (1932) on IMDb
**** The Mummy 1932 The Mummy (1932) on IMDb
** Murder at Dawn 1932 Murder at Dawn (1932) on IMDb
*** Murders in the Rue Morgue 1932 Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) on IMDb
*** The Old Dark House 1932 The Old Dark House (1932) on IMDb
** Thirteen Women 1932 Thirteen Women (1932) on IMDb
*** White Zombie 1932 White Zombie (1932) on IMDb