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Films released in 1980

A selection of films released in 1980

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
* Agency 1980 Agency (1980) on IMDb
* Airplane! 1980 Airplane! (1980) on IMDb
*** Alien 2: On Earth 1980 Alien 2: On Earth (1980) on IMDb
*** The Alien Dead 1980 The Alien Dead (1980) on IMDb
**** Alligator 1980 Alligator (1980) on IMDb
*** Altered States 1980 Altered States (1980) on IMDb
*** Anthropophagus 1980 Anthropophagus (1980) on IMDb
*** The Apple 1980 The Apple (1980) on IMDb
** The Attic 1980 The Attic (1980) on IMDb
*** The Awakening 1980 The Awakening (1980) on IMDb
** Bare Behind Bars 1980 Bare Behind Bars (1980) on IMDb
*** Battle Beyond the Stars 1980 Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) on IMDb
** The Beast in Space 1980 The Beast in Space (1980) on IMDb
*** Beyond Evil 1980 Beyond Evil (1980) on IMDb
*** Beyond Terror 1980 Beyond Terror (1980) on IMDb
*** The Big Red One 1980 The Big Red One (1980) on IMDb
* Blood Beach 1980 Blood Beach (1980) on IMDb
*** Bloodeaters 1980 Bloodeaters (1980) on IMDb
* Blow Job 1980 Blow Job (1980) on IMDb
* The Blues Brothers 1980 The Blues Brothers (1980) on IMDb
* The Boogey Man 1980 The Boogey Man (1980) on IMDb
*** Brubaker 1980 Brubaker (1980) on IMDb
*** Cabo Blanco 1980 Cabo Blanco (1980) on IMDb
*** Caddyshack 1980 Caddyshack (1980) on IMDb
* Caged Women 1980 Caged Women (1980) on IMDb
**** Cannibal Apocalypse 1980 Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) on IMDb
*** Cannibal Holocaust 1980 Cannibal Holocaust (1980) on IMDb
*** Cannibal Terror 1980 Cannibal Terror (1980) on IMDb
*** Cannibals 1980 Cannibals (1980) on IMDb
* The Chain Reaction 1980 The Chain Reaction (1980) on IMDb
** Challenge of the Tiger 1980 Challenge of the Tiger (1980) on IMDb
**** The Changeling 1980 The Changeling (1980) on IMDb
*** The Children 1980 The Children (1980) on IMDb
*** Christmas Evil 1980 Christmas Evil (1980) on IMDb
**** City of the Living Dead 1980 City of the Living Dead (1980) on IMDb
* Cloud Dancer 1980 Cloud Dancer (1980) on IMDb
* Contamination 1980 Contamination (1980) on IMDb
*** Contraband 1980 Contraband (1980) on IMDb
** The Cricket 1980 The Cricket (1980) on IMDb
* Cruising 1980 Cruising (1980) on IMDb
*** Death Ship 1980 Death Ship (1980) on IMDb
* Defiance 1980 Defiance (1980) on IMDb
* Demented 1980 Demented (1980) on IMDb
*** Demonoid 1980 Demonoid (1980) on IMDb
*** Devil Hunter 1980 Devil Hunter (1980) on IMDb
* Die Laughing 1980 Die Laughing (1980) on IMDb
* Dirty Tricks 1980 Dirty Tricks (1980) on IMDb
**** Document of the Dead 1980 Document of the Dead (1980) on IMDb
* The Dogs of War 1980 The Dogs of War (1980) on IMDb
*** Don’t Answer the Phone! 1980 Don’t Answer the Phone! (1980) on IMDb
* Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned 1980 Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned (1980) on IMDb
* Dracula’s Last Rites 1980 Dracula’s Last Rites (1980) on IMDb
* Dressed to Kill 1980 Dressed to Kill (1980) on IMDb
* The Earthling 1980 The Earthling (1980) on IMDb
*** Eaten Alive! 1980 Eaten Alive! (1980) on IMDb
* El liguero mágico 1980 El liguero mágico (1980) on IMDb
** Emanuelle’s Daughter 1980 Emanuelle’s Daughter (1980) on IMDb
* Encounter of the Spooky Kind 1980 Encounter of the Spooky Kind (1980) on IMDb
*** Erotic Nights of the Living Dead 1980 Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980) on IMDb
** Escape from Hell 1980 Escape from Hell (1980) on IMDb
* Eva man (Due sessi in uno) 1980 Eva man (Due sessi in uno) (1980) on IMDb
* The Exterminator 1980 The Exterminator (1980) on IMDb
*** Fade to Black 1980 Fade to Black (1980) on IMDb
* Fatso 1980 Fatso (1980) on IMDb
* The Final Countdown 1980 The Final Countdown (1980) on IMDb
* Fists of the White Lotus 1980 Fists of the White Lotus (1980) on IMDb
**** The Fog 1980 The Fog (1980) on IMDb
* Forbidden Passion 1980 Forbidden Passion (1980) on IMDb
* The Formula 1980 The Formula (1980) on IMDb
**** Friday the 13th 1980 Friday the 13th (1980) on IMDb
*** Funeral Home 1980 Funeral Home (1980) on IMDb
* Galaxina 1980 Galaxina (1980) on IMDb
* Game of Death II 1980 Game of Death II (1980) on IMDb
*** Gamera Super Monster 1980 Gamera Super Monster (1980) on IMDb
* Gloria 1980 Gloria (1980) on IMDb
*** The Godsend 1980 The Godsend (1980) on IMDb
*** Golem 1980 Golem (1980) on IMDb
* Gorp 1980 Gorp (1980) on IMDb
*** Hammer House of Horror 1980 Hammer House of Horror (1980) on IMDb
*** The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood 1980 The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood (1980) on IMDb
* Harlequin 1980 Harlequin (1980) on IMDb
*** He Knows You’re Alone 1980 He Knows You’re Alone (1980) on IMDb
*** The Hearse 1980 The Hearse (1980) on IMDb
**** Hell of the Living Dead 1980 Hell of the Living Dead (1980) on IMDb
* High Test Girls 1980 High Test Girls (1980) on IMDb
* Hog Wild 1980 Hog Wild (1980) on IMDb
*** Hopscotch 1980 Hopscotch (1980) on IMDb
* Hot T-Shirts 1980 Hot T-Shirts (1980) on IMDb
* Hotel Paradise 1980 Hotel Paradise (1980) on IMDb
*** House on the Edge of the Park 1980 House on the Edge of the Park (1980) on IMDb
*** How to Beat the High Cost of Living 1980 How to Beat the High Cost of Living (1980) on IMDb
*** Human Beasts 1980 Human Beasts (1980) on IMDb
*** Humanoids from the Deep 1980 Humanoids from the Deep (1980) on IMDb
*** The Hunter 1980 The Hunter (1980) on IMDb
*** Hussy 1980 Hussy (1980) on IMDb
* Il ficcanaso 1980 Il ficcanaso (1980) on IMDb
* Il medium 1980 Il medium (1980) on IMDb
* In God We Tru$t 1980 In God We Tru$t (1980) on IMDb
*** Inferno 1980 Inferno (1980) on IMDb
* Insatiable 1980 Insatiable (1980) on IMDb
*** The Island 1980 The Island (1980) on IMDb
* The Kidnapping of the President 1980 The Kidnapping of the President (1980) on IMDb
*** The Last Hunter 1980 The Last Hunter (1980) on IMDb
* The Long Good Friday 1980 The Long Good Friday (1980) on IMDb
*** The Long Riders 1980 The Long Riders (1980) on IMDb
* Los fieles sirvientes 1980 Los fieles sirvientes (1980) on IMDb
* Loving Couples 1980 Loving Couples (1980) on IMDb
*** Macabre 1980 Macabre (1980) on IMDb
** Madness 1980 Madness (1980) on IMDb
* Mama Dracula 1980 Mama Dracula (1980) on IMDb
* Maniac 1980 Maniac (1980) on IMDb
*** The Martian Chronicles 1980 The Martian Chronicles (1980) on IMDb
*** Mary Millington’s True Blue Confessions 1980 Mary Millington’s True Blue Confessions (1980) on IMDb
* Mia moglie è una strega 1980 Mia moglie è una strega (1980) on IMDb
*** The Mirror Crack’d 1980 The Mirror Crack’d (1980) on IMDb
* La mondana nuda 1980 La mondana nuda (1980) on IMDb
**** Motel Hell 1980 Motel Hell (1980) on IMDb
* Mother’s Day 1980 Mother’s Day (1980) on IMDb
*** Navajeros 1980 Navajeros (1980) on IMDb
*** New Year’s Evil 1980 New Year’s Evil (1980) on IMDb
*** Night of the Demon 1980 Night of the Demon (1980) on IMDb
**** The Night of the Hunted 1980 The Night of the Hunted (1980) on IMDb
*** Nightkill 1980 Nightkill (1980) on IMDb
*** Nightmare City 1980 Nightmare City (1980) on IMDb
* Nightmares 1980 Nightmares (1980) on IMDb
*** The Ninth Configuration 1980 The Ninth Configuration (1980) on IMDb
*** North Sea Hijack 1980 North Sea Hijack (1980) on IMDb
*** The Nude Bomb 1980 The Nude Bomb (1980) on IMDb
* The Octagon 1980 The Octagon (1980) on IMDb
* Ombre 1980 Ombre (1980) on IMDb
* Orgasmo nero 1980 Orgasmo nero (1980) on IMDb
* Oscenità 1980 Oscenità (1980) on IMDb
* Out of the Blue 1980 Out of the Blue (1980) on IMDb
** Patrick Still Lives 1980 Patrick Still Lives (1980) on IMDb
*** Phobia 1980 Phobia (1980) on IMDb
* Pinball Summer 1980 Pinball Summer (1980) on IMDb
*** Popeye 1980 Popeye (1980) on IMDb
*** Porno Esotic Love 1980 Porno Esotic Love (1980) on IMDb
* Primitif 1980 Primitif (1980) on IMDb
*** Prom Night 1980 Prom Night (1980) on IMDb
* Raging Bull 1980 Raging Bull (1980) on IMDb
*** Raise the Titanic 1980 Raise the Titanic (1980) on IMDb
* Rana: The Legend of Shadow Lake 1980 Rana: The Legend of Shadow Lake (1980) on IMDb
* Red Rose 1980 Red Rose (1980) on IMDb
*** The Return 1980 The Return (1980) on IMDb
* Rough Cut 1980 Rough Cut (1980) on IMDb
* Running Scared 1980 Running Scared (1980) on IMDb
*** Saturn 3 1980 Saturn 3 (1980) on IMDb
*** Scared to Death 1980 Scared to Death (1980) on IMDb
**** Schizoid 1980 Schizoid (1980) on IMDb
* The Second Coming 1980 The Second Coming (1980) on IMDb
* Secrets of a French Maid 1980 Secrets of a French Maid (1980) on IMDb
**** The Shining 1980 The Shining (1980) on IMDb
* Shogun Assassin 1980 Shogun Assassin (1980) on IMDb
*** Sinfonía erótica 1980 Sinfonía erótica (1980) on IMDb
* Smokey and the Bandit II 1980 Smokey and the Bandit II (1980) on IMDb
*** Somewhere in Time 1980 Somewhere in Time (1980) on IMDb
* Spetters 1980 Spetters (1980) on IMDb
**** Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) on IMDb
*** Stigma 1980 Stigma (1980) on IMDb
* Stir 1980 Stir (1980) on IMDb
* Stir Crazy 1980 Stir Crazy (1980) on IMDb
* The Stunt Man 1980 The Stunt Man (1980) on IMDb
** Super Fuzz 1980 Super Fuzz (1980) on IMDb
**** Superman II 1980 Superman II (1980) on IMDb
* Sweet William 1980 Sweet William (1980) on IMDb
* Ta gueule, je t’aime! 1980 Ta gueule, je t’aime! (1980) on IMDb
*** A Tale of Two Cities 1980 A Tale of Two Cities (1980) on IMDb
*** Terror Express 1980 Terror Express (1980) on IMDb
*** Terror Train 1980 Terror Train (1980) on IMDb
* That House in the Outskirts 1980 That House in the Outskirts (1980) on IMDb
* Times Square 1980 Times Square (1980) on IMDb
*** To All a Goodnight 1980 To All a Goodnight (1980) on IMDb
* Tom Horn 1980 Tom Horn (1980) on IMDb
* Trhauma 1980 Trhauma (1980) on IMDb
*** The True Story of the Nun of Monza 1980 The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980) on IMDb
* The Tunnel 1980 The Tunnel (1980) on IMDb
*** Two Female Spies with Flowered Panties 1980 Two Female Spies with Flowered Panties (1980) on IMDb
*** The Unseen 1980 The Unseen (1980) on IMDb
* Used Cars 1980 Used Cars (1980) on IMDb
* Vaya luna de miel 1980 Vaya luna de miel (1980) on IMDb
* Vengeance 1980 Vengeance (1980) on IMDb
* Vicious and Nude 1980 Vicious and Nude (1980) on IMDb
*** The Watcher in the Woods 1980 The Watcher in the Woods (1980) on IMDb
* Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie 1980 Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie (1980) on IMDb
*** Without Warning 1980 Without Warning (1980) on IMDb
**** Zombi Holocaust 1980 Zombi Holocaust (1980) on IMDb
187 titles