Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

Fernando Di Leo

A selection of films directed by Fernando Di Leo

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
* Code Name, Red Roses 1968 Code Name, Red Roses (1968) on IMDb
*** Naked Violence 1969 Naked Violence (1969) on IMDb
* A Woman on Fire! 1969 A Woman on Fire! (1969) on IMDb
* A Wrong Way to Love 1969 A Wrong Way to Love (1969) on IMDb
*** Slaughter Hotel 1971 Slaughter Hotel (1971) on IMDb
*** Caliber 9 1972 Caliber 9 (1972) on IMDb
*** The Italian Connection 1972 The Italian Connection (1972) on IMDb
*** The Boss 1973 The Boss (1973) on IMDb
*** Seduction 1973 Seduction (1973) on IMDb
** Italian Sex 1974 Italian Sex (1974) on IMDb
*** Shoot First, Die Later 1974 Shoot First, Die Later (1974) on IMDb
*** Kidnap Syndicate 1975 Kidnap Syndicate (1975) on IMDb
*** Loaded Guns 1975 Loaded Guns (1975) on IMDb
*** Nick the Sting 1976 Nick the Sting (1976) on IMDb
*** Rulers of the City 1976 Rulers of the City (1976) on IMDb
*** Blood and Diamonds 1977 Blood and Diamonds (1977) on IMDb
*** To Be Twenty 1978 To Be Twenty (1978) on IMDb
** Madness 1980 Madness (1980) on IMDb
*** The Violent Breed 1984 The Violent Breed (1984) on IMDb
** Killer vs Killers 1985 Killer vs Killers (1985) on IMDb
20 titles