Richard Harland Smith


40 titles for: scholar: Richard Harland Smith remove scholar

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
*** 4D Man 1959 4D Man (1959) on IMDb
*** Alice, Sweet Alice 1976 Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) on IMDb
*** Almost Human 1974 Almost Human (1974) on IMDb
*** The Anniversary 1968 The Anniversary (1968) on IMDb
*** The Ape 1940 The Ape (1940) on IMDb
*** The Beast and the Magic Sword 1983 The Beast and the Magic Sword (1983) on IMDb
*** Black Sabbath 1963 Black Sabbath (1963) on IMDb
*** Black Sunday 1960 Black Sunday (1960) on IMDb
*** Blood and Lace 1971 Blood and Lace (1971) on IMDb
*** Burnt Offerings 1976 Burnt Offerings (1976) on IMDb
*** Chosen Survivors 1974 Chosen Survivors (1974) on IMDb
*** Colt 38 Special Squad 1976 Colt 38 Special Squad (1976) on IMDb
*** Crimson 1973 Crimson (1973) on IMDb
*** The Day the Earth Caught Fire 1961 The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961) on IMDb
*** Deranged 1974 Deranged (1974) on IMDb
*** The Devil Bat 1940 The Devil Bat (1940) on IMDb
*** Donovan’s Brain 1953 Donovan’s Brain (1953) on IMDb
*** Dr. Cyclops 1940 Dr. Cyclops (1940) on IMDb
*** The Earth Dies Screaming 1964 The Earth Dies Screaming (1964) on IMDb
*** Erik the Conqueror 1961 Erik the Conqueror (1961) on IMDb
** Giovannona Long-Thigh 1973 Giovannona Long-Thigh (1973) on IMDb
*** The Girl Who Knew Too Much 1963 The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963) on IMDb
*** The Great Alligator 1979 The Great Alligator (1979) on IMDb
*** The House That Would Not Die 1970 The House That Would Not Die (1970) on IMDb
*** Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) on IMDb
*** Knives of the Avenger 1966 Knives of the Avenger (1966) on IMDb
*** The Last Man on Earth 1964 The Last Man on Earth (1964) on IMDb
** Lemora: A Child’s Tale of the Supernatural 1973 Lemora: A Child’s Tale of the Supernatural (1973) on IMDb
*** Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood 1973 Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood (1973) on IMDb
*** The Man from Planet X 1951 The Man from Planet X (1951) on IMDb
*** Outside the Law 1956 Outside the Law (1956) on IMDb
*** Panic in Year Zero! 1962 Panic in Year Zero! (1962) on IMDb
*** The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues 1955 The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues (1955) on IMDb
*** Rabid Dogs 1974 Rabid Dogs (1974) on IMDb
** The Rip-Off 1977 The Rip-Off (1977) on IMDb
*** Story of a Cloistered Nun 1973 Story of a Cloistered Nun (1973) on IMDb
*** Tobor the Great 1954 Tobor the Great (1954) on IMDb
*** Trilogy of Terror 1975 Trilogy of Terror (1975) on IMDb
*** Twice-Told Tales 1963 Twice-Told Tales (1963) on IMDb
*** What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? 1969 What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969) on IMDb