Mystery, 1972, USA


17 titles for: genre: Mystery remove genre film year: 1972 remove film year country: USA remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
*** Child’s Play 1972 Child’s Play (1972) on IMDb
*** Frogs 1972 Frogs (1972) on IMDb
*** Fuzz 1972 Fuzz (1972) on IMDb
*** The Gore Gore Girls 1972 The Gore Gore Girls (1972) on IMDb
*** The Groundstar Conspiracy 1972 The Groundstar Conspiracy (1972) on IMDb
*** Images 1972 Images (1972) on IMDb
**** The Legend of Boggy Creek 1972 The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972) on IMDb
** Night Call Nurses 1972 Night Call Nurses (1972) on IMDb
*** The Night Stalker 1972 The Night Stalker (1972) on IMDb
*** The Other 1972 The Other (1972) on IMDb
* Premonition 1972 Premonition (1972) on IMDb
*** Private Parts 1972 Private Parts (1972) on IMDb
*** A Reflection of Fear 1972 A Reflection of Fear (1972) on IMDb
** Silent Night, Bloody Night 1972 Silent Night, Bloody Night (1972) on IMDb
* Sisters 1972 Sisters (1972) on IMDb
* Terror at Red Wolf Inn 1972 Terror at Red Wolf Inn (1972) on IMDb
*** The Victim 1972 The Victim (1972) on IMDb