Drama, Spain


1-50 of 176 titles for: genre: Drama remove genre country: Spain remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
* 1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) on IMDb
**** 1917 2019 1917 (2019) on IMDb
*** 99 Women 1969 99 Women (1969) on IMDb
* An Ace and Four Queens 1966 An Ace and Four Queens (1966) on IMDb
* Adam and Eve 1983 Adam and Eve (1983) on IMDb
* Agent 3S3: Hunter from the Unknown 1966 Agent 3S3: Hunter from the Unknown (1966) on IMDb
* Agonizando en el crimen 1968 Agonizando en el crimen (1968) on IMDb
*** Al otro lado del espejo 1973 Al otro lado del espejo (1973) on IMDb
*** Alexander the Great 1956 Alexander the Great (1956) on IMDb
* Alien Predator 1986 Alien Predator (1986) on IMDb
* Las alimañas 1977 Las alimañas (1977) on IMDb
*** The Ancines Woods 1970 The Ancines Woods (1970) on IMDb
*** Apocalipsis sexual 1982 Apocalipsis sexual (1982) on IMDb
* Atrapados en el miedo 1985 Atrapados en el miedo (1985) on IMDb
*** Bahía blanca 1984 Bahía blanca (1984) on IMDb
* Banter 1986 Banter (1986) on IMDb
* La barca sin pescador 1964 La barca sin pescador (1964) on IMDb
*** Beatriz 1976 Beatriz (1976) on IMDb
*** Beyond Erotica 1974 Beyond Erotica (1974) on IMDb
*** Black Boots, Leather Whip 1983 Black Boots, Leather Whip (1983) on IMDb
* Black Box Affair 1966 Black Box Affair (1966) on IMDb
*** Black Candles 1982 Black Candles (1982) on IMDb
* Black Crown 1951 Black Crown (1951) on IMDb
*** Black Emanuelle 1975 Black Emanuelle (1975) on IMDb
* The Black Flag 1956 The Black Flag (1956) on IMDb
* Blade Runner 2049 2017 Blade Runner 2049 (2017) on IMDb
*** Bloodbath 1975 Bloodbath (1975) on IMDb
* Bootleggers 1969 Bootleggers (1969) on IMDb
* California 1977 California (1977) on IMDb
*** Camino solitario 1984 Camino solitario (1984) on IMDb
**** Cannibal Apocalypse 1980 Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) on IMDb
*** The Cannibal Man 1972 The Cannibal Man (1972) on IMDb
*** Cannibal Terror 1980 Cannibal Terror (1980) on IMDb
** Carnival of Crime 1962 Carnival of Crime (1962) on IMDb
* The Carpet of Horror 1962 The Carpet of Horror (1962) on IMDb
* Carta de amor de un asesino 1973 Carta de amor de un asesino (1973) on IMDb
* La casa 1976 La casa (1976) on IMDb
*** Cauldron of Blood 1968 Cauldron of Blood (1968) on IMDb
*** Cecilia 1983 Cecilia (1983) on IMDb
* Charlie and the Hooker 1977 Charlie and the Hooker (1977) on IMDb
*** Chino 1973 Chino (1973) on IMDb
* The Cobra 1967 The Cobra (1967) on IMDb
*** The Colossus of Rhodes 1961 The Colossus of Rhodes (1961) on IMDb
* Confidential Report 1955 Confidential Report (1955) on IMDb
*** The Corruption of Chris Miller 1973 The Corruption of Chris Miller (1973) on IMDb
** The Counsellor 1973 The Counsellor (1973) on IMDb
**** Count Dracula 1970 Count Dracula (1970) on IMDb
* Creation of the Damned 1974 Creation of the Damned (1974) on IMDb
* Cruzada en la mar 1968 Cruzada en la mar (1968) on IMDb
* The Dawn Rapists 1978 The Dawn Rapists (1978) on IMDb