Comedy, 1959, USA


11 titles for: genre: Comedy remove genre film year: 1959 remove film year country: USA remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
*** The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock 1959 The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock (1959) on IMDb
* Alias Jesse James 1959 Alias Jesse James (1959) on IMDb
*** A Bucket of Blood 1959 A Bucket of Blood (1959) on IMDb
* The Devil’s Disciple 1959 The Devil’s Disciple (1959) on IMDb
** Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow 1959 Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow (1959) on IMDb
* Have Rocket -- Will Travel 1959 Have Rocket -- Will Travel (1959) on IMDb
* The Immoral Mr. Teas 1959 The Immoral Mr. Teas (1959) on IMDb
** Li’l Abner 1959 Li’l Abner (1959) on IMDb
* The Mating Game 1959 The Mating Game (1959) on IMDb
*** Never Steal Anything Small 1959 Never Steal Anything Small (1959) on IMDb
* Some Like It Hot 1959 Some Like It Hot (1959) on IMDb