Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

The Fearmakers

Poster of The Fearmakers

Masters of fear! Monsters of intrigue! Merchants of murder!

Selected disc options for The Fearmakers

Kino box art
Kino BD-A/US 2022
MGM box art
MGM DVD-R-0/US 2011
Audio Commentary by Jason A. Ney has extra

Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo


  • Kino’s Blu-ray is included in the “Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema VII” box set with The Boss (1956) and Chicago Confidential (1957). Trailers included: Daisy Kenyon (1947) and The Raging Tide (1951).
  • MGM’s “Limited Edition Collection” DVD-R contains no extras.