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Run, Psycho, Run

aka Più tardi Claire, più tardi...

Poster of Run, Psycho, Run
  • Photo of Troy Howarth

    Run, Psycho, Run is one of the more obscure gialli of the period. It was filmed in 1965, but sat on the shelf until 1968, when it received marginal distribution and failed to attract any serious attention, despite the presence of some impressive names in the credits. … The story is something of a psychosexual variation on the themes of Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca (1938) … Ultimately, Run, Psycho, Run is bound to be more interesting to fans with a taste for art house cinema.

    Troy Howarth, So Deadly, So Perverse: 50 Years of Italian Giallo Films, Volume 1, 1963-1973 (Midnight Marquee Press, 2015)

Selected disc options for Run, Psycho, Run

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