Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD


Poster of Gilda

There never was a woman like Gilda!

Selected disc options for Gilda

Criterion box art
Criterion BD-A/US 2016
Sony box art
Sony BD-ALL/IT 2014
Sony box art
Sony DVD-1/US/OOP 2010
Columbia box art
Columbia DVD-1/US/OOP 2000
Audio Commentary by Richard Schickel has extra has extra
Hollywood and the Stars: “The Odyssey of Rita Hayworth” (TV Episode, 1964, 25:11) has extra
Rita Hayworth: The Columbia Lady - Documentary Excerpt (8:48) has extra
Interview with Eddie Muller (22:14) has extra
Interviews with Baz Luhrmann and Martin Scorsese (16:06) has extra has extra has extra
Stills Gallery - Posters (8 Images) has extra
Biographies has extra
Theatrical Trailer (2:09) has extra has extra has extra

Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo
