Thriller, 1978, USA


37 titles for: genre: Thriller remove genre film year: 1978 remove film year country: USA remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
* The Alpha Incident 1978 The Alpha Incident (1978) on IMDb
*** Are You in the House Alone? 1978 Are You in the House Alone? (1978) on IMDb
* The Astral Factor 1978 The Astral Factor (1978) on IMDb
** Barracuda 1978 Barracuda (1978) on IMDb
* The Bees 1978 The Bees (1978) on IMDb
*** The Bermuda Depths 1978 The Bermuda Depths (1978) on IMDb
*** The Big Sleep 1978 The Big Sleep (1978) on IMDb
*** The Boys from Brazil 1978 The Boys from Brazil (1978) on IMDb
* Cat in the Cage 1978 Cat in the Cage (1978) on IMDb
*** The Cheap Detective 1978 The Cheap Detective (1978) on IMDb
*** Coma 1978 Coma (1978) on IMDb
**** Dawn of the Dead 1978 Dawn of the Dead (1978) on IMDb
* Death Drug 1978 Death Drug (1978) on IMDb
*** Deathsport 1978 Deathsport (1978) on IMDb
*** Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell 1978 Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell (1978) on IMDb
** Die Sister, Die! 1978 Die Sister, Die! (1978) on IMDb
* The Driver 1978 The Driver (1978) on IMDb
*** The Evil 1978 The Evil (1978) on IMDb
*** Eyes of Laura Mars 1978 Eyes of Laura Mars (1978) on IMDb
* F.I.S.T 1978 F.I.S.T (1978) on IMDb
* The Fifth Floor 1978 The Fifth Floor (1978) on IMDb
* The Fury 1978 The Fury (1978) on IMDb
* Game of Death 1978 Game of Death (1978) on IMDb
**** Halloween 1978 Halloween (1978) on IMDb
*** I Spit on Your Grave 1978 I Spit on Your Grave (1978) on IMDb
*** The Initiation of Sarah 1978 The Initiation of Sarah (1978) on IMDb
**** Jaws 2 1978 Jaws 2 (1978) on IMDb
* Killer’s Delight 1978 Killer’s Delight (1978) on IMDb
* The Kirlian Witness 1978 The Kirlian Witness (1978) on IMDb
* Mirrors 1978 Mirrors (1978) on IMDb
* Night Creature 1978 Night Creature (1978) on IMDb
*** Piranha 1978 Piranha (1978) on IMDb
* Sketches of a Strangler 1978 Sketches of a Strangler (1978) on IMDb
*** Someone’s Watching Me! 1978 Someone’s Watching Me! (1978) on IMDb
*** The Swarm 1978 The Swarm (1978) on IMDb
**** The Toolbox Murders 1978 The Toolbox Murders (1978) on IMDb
* Who’ll Stop the Rain 1978 Who’ll Stop the Rain (1978) on IMDb