Horror, 1977, USA


40 titles for: genre: Horror remove genre film year: 1977 remove film year country: USA remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
*** Another Son of Sam 1977 Another Son of Sam (1977) on IMDb
*** Ants! 1977 Ants! (1977) on IMDb
*** Audrey Rose 1977 Audrey Rose (1977) on IMDb
* Blue Sunshine 1977 Blue Sunshine (1977) on IMDb
*** The Car 1977 The Car (1977) on IMDb
*** The Child 1977 The Child (1977) on IMDb
* Claws 1977 Claws (1977) on IMDb
*** The Crater Lake Monster 1977 The Crater Lake Monster (1977) on IMDb
** The Day It Came to Earth 1977 The Day It Came to Earth (1977) on IMDb
* Day of the Animals 1977 Day of the Animals (1977) on IMDb
*** Death Bed: The Bed That Eats 1977 Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) on IMDb
*** Demon Seed 1977 Demon Seed (1977) on IMDb
*** Empire of the Ants 1977 Empire of the Ants (1977) on IMDb
* End of the World 1977 End of the World (1977) on IMDb
*** Exorcist II: The Heretic 1977 Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) on IMDb
* Ghosts That Still Walk 1977 Ghosts That Still Walk (1977) on IMDb
* Haunted 1977 Haunted (1977) on IMDb
* The Hills Have Eyes 1977 The Hills Have Eyes (1977) on IMDb
**** The Incredible Melting Man 1977 The Incredible Melting Man (1977) on IMDb
*** The Island of Dr. Moreau 1977 The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977) on IMDb
*** Kingdom of the Spiders 1977 Kingdom of the Spiders (1977) on IMDb
*** Meatcleaver Massacre 1977 Meatcleaver Massacre (1977) on IMDb
* Nightmare in Blood 1977 Nightmare in Blood (1977) on IMDb
*** Orca 1977 Orca (1977) on IMDb
*** The Pack 1977 The Pack (1977) on IMDb
* Petey Wheatstraw 1977 Petey Wheatstraw (1977) on IMDb
* Return to Boggy Creek 1977 Return to Boggy Creek (1977) on IMDb
*** Ruby 1977 Ruby (1977) on IMDb
*** Satan’s Cheerleaders 1977 Satan’s Cheerleaders (1977) on IMDb
* Scalpel 1977 Scalpel (1977) on IMDb
*** The Sentinel 1977 The Sentinel (1977) on IMDb
* The Shadow of Chikara 1977 The Shadow of Chikara (1977) on IMDb
*** Shock Waves 1977 Shock Waves (1977) on IMDb
* Spectre 1977 Spectre (1977) on IMDb
*** The Spell 1977 The Spell (1977) on IMDb
*** Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo 1977 Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo (1977) on IMDb
*** Tentacles 1977 Tentacles (1977) on IMDb
** Whiskey Mountain 1977 Whiskey Mountain (1977) on IMDb
* The Worm Eaters 1977 The Worm Eaters (1977) on IMDb
*** Zoltan, Hound of Dracula 1977 Zoltan, Hound of Dracula (1977) on IMDb