Drama, 1972, France


12 titles for: genre: Drama remove genre film year: 1972 remove film year country: France remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
*** And Hope to Die 1972 And Hope to Die (1972) on IMDb
*** Bluebeard 1972 Bluebeard (1972) on IMDb
* Les ebranlées 1972 Les ebranlées (1972) on IMDb
*** I Am Frigid… Why? 1972 I Am Frigid… Why? (1972) on IMDb
** Justine de Sade 1972 Justine de Sade (1972) on IMDb
* Last Tango in Paris 1972 Last Tango in Paris (1972) on IMDb
* Man with the Transplanted Brain 1972 Man with the Transplanted Brain (1972) on IMDb
* The Monk 1972 The Monk (1972) on IMDb
*** The Outside Man 1972 The Outside Man (1972) on IMDb
* The Sicilian Connection 1972 The Sicilian Connection (1972) on IMDb
* Threshold of the Void 1972 Threshold of the Void (1972) on IMDb
* The Valachi Papers 1972 The Valachi Papers (1972) on IMDb