Drama, 1940, USA


24 titles for: genre: Drama remove genre film year: 1940 remove film year country: USA remove country

  • *** indicates available on Blu-ray
  • ** indicates available on DVD
  • * indicates No disc
Title Year IMDb Rating
* Arise, My Love 1940 Arise, My Love (1940) on IMDb
*** Black Friday 1940 Black Friday (1940) on IMDb
* Brother Orchid 1940 Brother Orchid (1940) on IMDb
* Christmas in July 1940 Christmas in July (1940) on IMDb
* City for Conquest 1940 City for Conquest (1940) on IMDb
* City of Chance 1940 City of Chance (1940) on IMDb
*** Doomed to Die 1940 Doomed to Die (1940) on IMDb
*** Dr. Cyclops 1940 Dr. Cyclops (1940) on IMDb
* Girl in 313 1940 Girl in 313 (1940) on IMDb
* The Grapes of Wrath 1940 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) on IMDb
*** The House of the Seven Gables 1940 The House of the Seven Gables (1940) on IMDb
*** The Invisible Man Returns 1940 The Invisible Man Returns (1940) on IMDb
*** Island of Doomed Men 1940 Island of Doomed Men (1940) on IMDb
** The Lady in Question 1940 The Lady in Question (1940) on IMDb
* The Letter 1940 The Letter (1940) on IMDb
*** The Long Voyage Home 1940 The Long Voyage Home (1940) on IMDb
* The Mortal Storm 1940 The Mortal Storm (1940) on IMDb
*** Rebecca 1940 Rebecca (1940) on IMDb
*** Remember the Night 1940 Remember the Night (1940) on IMDb
* The Return of Frank James 1940 The Return of Frank James (1940) on IMDb
* Seven Sinners 1940 Seven Sinners (1940) on IMDb
*** The Shop Around the Corner 1940 The Shop Around the Corner (1940) on IMDb
** Strange Cargo 1940 Strange Cargo (1940) on IMDb
** They Drive by Night 1940 They Drive by Night (1940) on IMDb