Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

Who Killed Teddy Bear

Poster of Who Killed Teddy Bear

“Why with everybody else – why with every slob… and not with me?”

Selected disc options for Who Killed Teddy Bear

Network box art
Network BD-ALL/UK/OOP 2018
Network box art
Network DVD-2 PAL/UK/OOP 2009
Stills Gallery (4:07) has extra has extra
Theatrical Trailer (2:09) has extra has extra
“Court Martial: The House Where He Lived” (TV Episode, 1966, 48:03) has extra has extra
“LSD: Insight or Insanity?” (Short, 1967, 18:07) has extra has extra
Promotional Materials (PDF) has extra has extra

Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo


  • Network’s Blu-ray includes a booklet with writing by Laura Mayne (“Sexual Transgression in Sixties New York”).