Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD


Poster of Wanted

Selected disc options for Wanted

Universal box art
Universal BD-ALL/US 2008
“Wanted”: Motion Comics (13:55) has extra
Cast and Characters (19:59) has extra
Groundbreaking Visual Effects: From Imagination to Execution (8:06) has extra
Making of “Wanted: The Game” (10:01) has extra
Origins of “Wanted”: Bringing the Graphic Novel to Life (8:05) has extra
Special Effects: The Art of the Impossible (8:27) has extra
Stunts on the L Train (2:30) has extra
Through the Eyes of Visionary Director Timur Bekmambetov (9:05) has extra
Alternate Opening Sequence (2:38) has extra
Extended Scene (1:58) has extra
U-Control Picture-in-Picture Tracks - Motion Comics, Scene Explorer, Assassin Profiles, Interviews has extra

Blu-ray comparison available on Rewind logo


  • Universal’s Blu-ray is also available as a “Limited Edition Collector’s Set” containing an illustrated booklet (“Fraternity of Assassins”), 4 photo postcards, and a framed 3D motion film cell.