Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

The Prince and the Pauper

Poster of The Prince and the Pauper

Mark Twain’s unforgettable story becomes the screen’s hit of hits.

Selected disc options for The Prince and the Pauper

Warner box art
Warner BD-ALL/US 2024
Warner box art
Warner DVD-R-0/US 2012
Warner box art
Warner DVD-1/US/OOP 2003
Theatrical Trailer (3:58) has extra has extra
“Plenty of Money and You” (Animated Short, 1937, 7:16) has extra
“Streamlined Greta Green” (Animated Short, 1937, 8:01) has extra
“Sunbonnet Blue” (Animated Short, 1937, 7:21) has extra

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