Selected disc options for Murder Story
Blu-ray comparison available on
- Severin’s Blu-ray is included in “The Eurocrypt of Christopher Lee, Collection 2” box set with Uncle Was a Vampire (1959), The Secret of the Red Orchid (1962), Dark Places (1974), Dracula and Son (1976) and Mask of Murder (1988); and includes a 100-page booklet with writing by Jonathan Rigby (“Christopher Lee: A Career in Six Snapshots”).
Ultimate Edition
Combine the best digital presentation with a selection of choice extras for the ultimate edition.
Presentation |
Severin BD 2022
Extras | Audio Commentary by Co-Directors/Co-Writers Eddie Arno and Markus Innocenti, Moderated by David Gregory Severin BD |
A British Producer in Holland - Interview with Producer Tom Reeve | Severin BD|
Theatrical Trailer | Severin BD