Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

Love Me Tender

Poster of Love Me Tender

Mr. Rock ‘n’ Roll in the story he was born to play!

Selected disc options for Love Me Tender

20th Century Fox box art
20th Century Fox BD-ALL/US/OOP 2013
20th Century Fox box art
20th Century Fox DVD-1/US/OOP 2006
20th Century Fox box art
20th Century Fox DVD-1/US/OOP 2002
Audio Commentary by Jerry Schilling has extra has extra
“Love Me Tender”: The Birth & Boom of the Elvis Hit (8:06) has extra has extra
“Love Me Tender”: The Soundtrack (7:32) has extra
The Colonel & The King (11:02) has extra has extra
Elvis Hits Hollywood (12:43) has extra has extra
Stills Gallery has extra
English Theatrical Trailer (2:21) has extra has extra has extra
Spanish Theatrical Trailer (2:04) has extra has extra has extra

Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo
