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Labios rojos

Poster of Labios rojos
  • Photo of Stephen Thrower

    Essentially a light-hearted film, Labios rojos mixes frivolity with film noir to create an amusing but not entirely convincing cocktail. … The chief pleasures of Labios rojos are its stylish, sometimes clever photography and its bird’s nest of double-dealing intrigue. … Ultimately, though, neither the trickiness nor the noirishness are quite enough: Labios rojos may be busy and fleet-footed but it’s too detached to really fly. What’s lacking is that essential Franco ingredient, eroticism, making this a cute but slightly arid version of an idea done much better a few years later in the sexier Sadisterotica and the loopier Kiss Me Monster.

    Stephen Thrower, Murderous Passions: The Delirious Cinema of Jesús Franco, Volume One (Strange Attractor Press, 2020)

Selected disc options for Labios rojos

Impacto Films box art
Impacto Films DVD-2 PAL/ES 2015
“El Tren Expreso” (The Express Train) - Directed by Rosa Maria Almirall (Lina Romay) (Short, 1982) has extra


  • Impacto Films’ DVD is not English friendly.