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aka Year of the Cricket

Poster of Kenner

He finds the friendship of a boy… the love of a woman… and the adventure of his life in exotic Bombay!

  • Although we’ll watch [Jim] Brown in virtually anything, this film is pretty much a klunky, under-scripted misfire, directed by Steve Sekely, who specialized in B movies. (His greatest success was Day of the Triffids.) … The film meanders from one chase to another, and director Sekely does the best he can to capitalize on the exotic locations in old Bombay and provides a few exciting, well-staged chase scenes. However, everyone seems to realize they are participating in a bottom-of-the-double-feature production. Brown is uncharacteristically bland, phoning in his performance and performing the requisite action sequences with something less than zeal. … Unless you have an urgent desire to see what Bombay looked like in 1969, this Brown title will be only for the actor's hard-core fans.

    Lee Pfeiffer, “Kenner” DVD review (Cinema Retro, 2018)

Selected disc options for Kenner

Warner box art
Warner DVD-R-0/US 2012
Theatrical Trailer has extra