Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD


Poster of Claudine

A heart and soul comedy. Can you dig it?

Selected disc options for Claudine

Criterion box art
Criterion BD-A/US 2020
20th Century Fox box art
20th Century Fox DVD-1/US/OOP 2003
Audio Commentary by Actors Diahann Carroll, James Earl Jones, and Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, George Tillman Jr., and Dan Pine has extra has extra
Uncovering John Berry - With Imogen Sara Smith (19:54) has extra
Interview with Robert Townsend (30:50) has extra
Audio Interview with Diahann Carroll (1974, 21:57) has extra
English Theatrical Trailer has extra
Spanish Theatrical Trailer has extra

Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo


  • Criterion’s Blu-ray includes a booklet with writing by Danielle A. Jackson.