Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD


Poster of Christine

How do you kill something that can’t possibly be alive?

Selected disc options for Christine

Sony box art
Sony BD-ALL 4K/US 2018
Columbia box art
Columbia BD-ALL/US 2015
Twilight Time box art
Twilight Time BD-ALL/US/OOP 2013
Indicator box art
Indicator BD-ALL/UK 2016
Columbia box art
Columbia DVD-1/US 2004
Columbia box art
Columbia DVD-1/US/OOP  
Audio Commentary by Director John Carpenter and Actor Keith Gordon has extra has extra has extra has extra has extra
“Christine”: Fast and Furious (28:55) has extra has extra has extra has extra has extra
“Christine”: Finish Line (7:17) has extra has extra has extra has extra has extra
“Christine”: Ignition (11:52) has extra has extra has extra has extra has extra
Deleted Scenes (25:20) has extra has extra has extra has extra has extra
Stills Gallery has extra
Isolated Score has extra has extra
Teaser Trailer (1:31) has extra has extra
Theatrical Trailer (0:52) has extra has extra
TV Spots (0:33, 0:33) has extra
Cast and Crew Filmographies has extra has extra

4K, Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo


  • Twilight Time’s Blu-ray includes an 8-page booklet with writing by Julie Kirgo.
  • Indicator’s Blu-ray includes a 24-page booklet with writing by Jeff Billington (“Cars and Girls”) and Director John Carpenter (“John Carpenter’s Guilty Pleasures”; 1996).