Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

Buck and the Preacher

Poster of Buck and the Preacher

The fight was against the raiders… but the feud was between themselves!

Selected disc options for Buck and the Preacher

Criterion box art
Criterion BD-A/US 2022
Columbia box art
Columbia DVD-1/US/OOP 2000
Expanding the Western - With Mia Mask (24:31) has extra
The Dick Cavett Show - Interview with Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte (TV Episode, 1972, 64:07) has extra
Soul! - Interview with Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte (TV Episode, 1971, 27:43) has extra
Behind-the-Scenes Footage with Actor/Director Sidney Poitier and Actor Harry Belafonte (12:49) has extra
Interview with Gina Belafonte (Daughter of Actor Harry Belafonte) (13:48) has extra
Filmographies has extra
Theatrical Trailer has extra

DVD comparison available on Rewind logo


  • Criterion’s Blu-ray includes a booklet with writing by Aisha Harris.