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Blue Rita

aka Das Frauenhaus

Poster of Blue Rita
  • Photo of Stephen Thrower

    This is one of Franco’s more audience-friendly sex dramas, and if your personal taste in interior design runs to 1970s ‘kitsch-moderne’ then it’s a veritable smorgasbord of visual pleasure. … Blue Rita tickles the senses so efficiently that it’s half an hour before one realises that the story has gone precisely nowhere. … Yet for all the fun, we stay resolutely ‘outside the frame’; nothing quite draws us into the charmed space where Franco’s best films spin their mesmeric voodoo. Despite its visual allure Blue Rita is second-string Franco; mainly, I think, because it’s devoid of his penchant for improvisation. … With its green ‘aphrodisiac potion’ poured over naked men, its spiteful lesbian dominatrices, the gold-spiked cages with descending ceilings, swirling narcotic vapours, coloured lights atop sci-fi gadgetry and nude women in gas masks, the whole affair is an amusing romp through fetish-comic imagery. If it stays just a step away from true delirium it remains a trip well worth taking.

    Stephen Thrower, Flowers of Perversion: The Delirious Cinema of Jesús Franco, Volume Two (Strange Attractor Press, 2018)

Selected disc options for Blue Rita

Full Moon box art
Full Moon BD-A/US 2023
Ascot Elite box art
Ascot Elite BD-ALL/DE 2014
Full Moon box art
Full Moon DVD-0/US 2015
VIP box art
Introduction by Actor Eric Falk (1:26) has extra
Behind-the-Scenes - Interview with Producer Erwin C. Dietrich (21:22) has extra
Sklave im Frauenhaus (Slave in a House of Women) - Interview with Actor Eric Falk (7:54) has extra has extra
Audio Interview with Filmmaker Peter Strickland - Conducted by Chris Alexander (24:06) has extra
Stills Gallery [Ascot Elite] (26 Images) has extra
Stills Gallery [Full Moon] (1:50) has extra
Stills Gallery [VIP] - Photos, Posters has extra
Biography: Director/Writer Jess Franco has extra
Biography: Producer Erwin C. Dietrich has extra
Filmography: Actor Eric Falk has extra
Filmography: Actress Dagmar Bürger has extra
Filmography: Actress Martine Fléty has extra
Theatrical Trailer (2:21) has extra has extra
Vintage Jess Franco VHS Trailers Reel (x6, 6:44) has extra has extra

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