Discovering films on Blu-ray and DVD

Black Venus

Poster of Black Venus
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Model of sensuality… Object of desire… Target of lust!

Selected disc options for Black Venus

Severin box art
Severin BD-ALL/US 2023
Le chat qui fume box art
Le chat qui fume BD-ALL/FR 2020
Severin box art
Severin DVD-0/US 2010
Theatrical Trailer has extra

Blu-ray and DVD comparisons available on Rewind logo


  • Severin’s Blu-ray is included in the “Three Between the Sheets” box set with Ecstacy (1984) and Melody of Passion (1986).
  • Le chat qui fume’s Blu-ray of Le couteau sous la gorge (1986) includes this film as a bonus.
  • Severin’s DVD contains no extras.